Call for sites by Cornwall Council
Published: 21 February 2024
Call for sites
20 February 2024
Dear All,
We are writing to tell you about Cornwall Council’s call for sites which is seeking information on potential sites suitable for a broad range of uses including:
Housing (which could include market-led housing, affordable housing, supported living, residential institution, student accommodation, community-led, self-build plots, or other types of specialist housing) and Gypsy and Traveller pitches
Commercial (including offices, retail, leisure, hotel and mixed commercial uses)
Energy generation
Nutrient neutrality mitigation land
Biodiversity Net Gain
Relevant sites for development will be considered for inclusion in a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) that will inform the next Local Plan and replace the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Sites for nature (including BNG, nutrient neutrality and nature recovery) will be considered further by the relevant team and will be followed up by requests for further information or offers of additional assistance to establish information on potential use of the site for any of the three purposes.
To submit a new site, or to update a site included in the SHLAA, please visit which also sets out the submission criteria. You do not need to own a site to make a nomination, but we do ask that the landowner is made aware before a site nomination is submitted.
For inclusion in the first reporting stage in July 2024 please provide your site details by 22nd April 2024. We will then be in touch before the report is published with feedback. Sites/updates submitted from 23rd April 2024 onwards will be considered for a later reporting stage which will take place in the run up to the next Local Plan (work on which is likely to formally commence in 2025).
Sites for housing and economic uses will be assessed in accordance with the Government’s methodology set out at Please note that inclusion of a site in the HELAA does not mean that it will be allocated or would be granted planning permission if it were to be applied for.
If you have any queries please contact or call Emily Rubin on 01872 322222.