A394 Rosudgeon to Breage

Published: 05 July 2023

EDG2079 A394 Rosudgeon to Breage Road Safety Improvements


Cormac Solutions Ltd on behalf of Cornwall Council is inviting comments on a series of proposals to improve pedestrian and road safety along the A394 between Rosudgeon and Breage.

The objective of the scheme is to deliver route consistency along the A394, with improved pedestrian facilities and a reduction in vehicle speeds. This will be achieved by improving signage, lining and traffic calming measures along the route as well as provide safer crossing points such as pedestrian refuges. In addition, junctions, pinch points and bends along the route identified as hazardous will also receive additional signage and lining. Masterplan attached.

A previously undertaken feasibility study work identified a number of proposals that will aim to meet the above objectives, and after discussions with the local members a number of proposals have been prioritised and packaged together. Copies of individual sheets Rosudgeon/Kenneggy Junction/Newtown/Newtown and Germoe/Germoe/Ashton/ Ashton to Breage/Breage may be obtained from the Clerk to Breage Council breageparishcouncil@btconnect.com 01326 574781.


To respond to this consultation, you can either:

1.Use Cornwall Council’s Consultation finder, an on-line facility for viewing and responding to traffic consultations.

This can be accessed by visiting www.cornwall.gov.uk/TrafficConsult. Once registered you will be able to submit responses to this and other current traffic consultations.

2. E-mail the Engineering Design Group on traffic@cormacltd.co.uk , quoting scheme name and scheme reference and indicating your support or objection to the proposals.

3. Respond in writing using the Consultation Response Form, (available from Breage Parish Council Clerk breageparishcouncil@btconnect.com ), indicating your support or objection to the proposals and return it to the address shown at the foot of the form.

 4. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this scheme, please contact:

Adam Knuckey Engineer (Project Manager) Infrastructure Design

Email: adam.knuckey@cormacltd.co.uk

/_UserFiles/Files/A394 safety improvementsmasterplan.pdf