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Chairman's Report 2022/23 This year saw the lifting of formal Covid precautions by central government, although lateral flow testing and other social distancing measures have remained in place at Breage Parish Council to good effect and have allowed business to be discharged effectively. It has been a challenging year financially for local authorities as they have endeavoured to balance the books, maintain the important services that are provided for the parish against a background of spiralling service and material increases by Cornwall Council. This has seen a levy in Council Tax of some 4.99% by Cornwall Council and a substantial increase by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Against this background I am pleased to report that Breage Parish Council has, though prudent financial management, returned a zero percent increase in its budget going forward into the next financial year. This is whilst maintaining all existing services and taking forward new projects that benefit our parishioners. Both the internal and external auditor have confirmed that Breage Parish Council is compliant with the Local Government financial regulations. Ashton hub should in the very near future, with its addition of toilets and a kitchen, be a valuable community facility for the residents of Ashton and the parish, with a brilliant committee in place to ensure its success in the future. Ashton amenity field continues to be extremely well used and has benefited from the planting of circa 200 trees, that excitingly includes a community orchard and hedgerow plants generously donated by Cornish Tin. Once the orchard is mature and fruiting the produce will be available to the community. Breage field continues to be well supported and is scheduled for improvement by the field committee in the Spring by way of new equipment and the installation of a drainage field system to ensure it is available to parishioners all year round. Our other community facilities at Breage, Carleen, Praa Sands and Godolphin continue to be extremely well used and run by their dedicated committees. They all have a very full itinerary of events and services provided to the community. Breage Parish Council is delighted to support their endeavours with events to celebrate the forthcoming coronation of King Charles III. Full details of events can be found on the individual web sites or the Breage Parish Council website. Breage village hall is undergoing significant refurbishment and has transferred the responsibility for the coronation celebrations to Breage Social/Snooker Club. Breage Parish Council is a burial authority and has made significant improvements to the cemetery to ensure that it is a respectful resting place and a peaceful place for our parishioners to visit. The Parish Council and volunteers led by Councillors Thomas and Southam have rejuvenated Lower Trevurvas Pond and it is looking splendid. All the Public rights of way (PROWS) are currently open with immediate cutting being focused around the proliferation of wild flowers and the nesting season. Our drains, gullies and ditch maintenance continue to be maintained by the parish council to good effect under the Lengthsman scheme. Separate to the Cornwall Council scheme, Breage Parish Council has initiated its own program of road safety by commissioning a “20 is plenty” scheme at various locations in the parish. This was necessitated by the statement issued by Cornwall Council that Breage parish would not have an active scheme installed by them until 2025. The local scheme has met with limited success with isolated cases of vandalism to the signs and banners at Godolphin. The Breage Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan has been approved and now carries appropriate weight as defined in planning law: this will be a major influence upon the planning decisions made in the future. The full and final version can be found on the Breage Parish Council website. Planning applications continue to be considered by the Council with a large number of major housing applications. The council remains vigilant to ensure that applications are appropriate and compliant with national and local policies. It is fair to say that we are often at variance with Cornwall Council, mainly due to the differing policy pressures and perceived priorities. Thanks are recorded to the steering group under the Chairmanship of Councillor Ralph for their diligence in producing such a comprehensive document. The Parish along with the other town and parish councils will go to elections next year in May when all the parish councillors and Cornwall Councillors are able to offer themselves for reelection. This of course is an opportunity for any parishioner to come forward to be elected to serve their community as a local councillor. Full details of the procedure will be promulgated on the website and in the press nearer to the election date or contact the Clerk to the parish for an informal discussion. In closing I would like to thank my colleagues for their contributions and support over this past reporting year, the Parish Clerk, Mrs C Macleod; Mrs S Orpin and the local contractors who have supported the council so well. Finally, thanks to all the parishioners who have taken an active role in the parish and in the scrutiny of your local government. Councillor AE Woodhams Chairman Breage Parish Council
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Published: 07 June 2021
All enquiries to be directed to: Cornwall Councillor John V Keeling MBE.
01736 763272